• everydaymagic

    Parce que

    If it’s July or August, then it’s the mountains or the seaside. Let’s not give into that routine, n’est pas? I went for the anti-fashion and straight into the big, deserted city. One week in Paris, after the 14 juillet havoc. Les reveries d’un promeneur estival, in 4 simple scenarios: DO NOT go with an agenda. Venture carelessly, no schedules, no must-sees, no reservations nor lines to climb the TourEiffel. If you were at the beach, what would you do? Well do it in Paris instead: there is a beach right in the city center, and you have no idea how cool it is to walk bare-foot in the sand,…

  • fantastic journeys,  Uncategorized

    Bretagne pentru gurmanzi

    Pofticiosi suntem cu totii, insa apetitul este de mai multe feluri: lacom, impulsiv, artistic, retoric, disciplinat, cultivat, rafinat sau pur si simplu pasionat. Asa cum nu am nici o indoiala ca fiecare va descoperi cel putin une crepe sau une galette dupa care sa scanceasca de placere si sa-si linga degetutele, tot asa stiu ca, dupa Bretagne, 3 lucruri se vor schimba pentru totdeauna : viziunea asupra stridiilor, asteptarile de la banalele midii, si rolul miraculos al sarii in bucate.

  • everydaymagic,  Uncategorized

    Postcards to the non-believer

    I know you don’t believe in wonderland or magic places or fairytales. Yet I, who have travelled through the looking glass and back so many times, dedicate the first dew of this fall to you. It is pure and luminous and ephemeral and it sew priceless jewelry onto the spider webs. This dew was born of the heavy clouds of last night’s storm and it carries the genius of the ocean over the prosaic peace of my garden, showing it completely transfigured. I also dedicate to you the fairytale houses that are undoubtedly inhabited by elves and blissfully winged creatures. And the enchanted forest of Broceliande where Merlin is entrapped into…