Whenever someone was asking me “what’s your favorite animal?”, I would invariably answer “the unicorn”. There were times when unicorns were unheard of, they only became fashionable as of late.
For a long time I actually believed unicorns do exist in our reality. I was 4 or 5 when I saw one in a fairytale; I was instantly captivated and I kept petting him with my finger on his beautiful little white mane in the glossy picture. He stayed with me ever since. I was absolutely certain he lives somewhere, in a magic country where full moon is everlasting and trees are musical, a country that people cannot reach easily. I am still convinced he lives in a wonder-full country, a realm that very few of us render musical and extraordinary.
To see a unicorn is the greatest thing. Not only because they’re rare, but because they make themselves invisible to our eyes. Most people wouldn’t see him even if he trotted on the sidewalk in front of them. Which is very good, actually, for them and for us, the few and happy. Some say you have to be very lucky to see them, some that they only appear to the pure at heart. With me, I think it was because of my subborness in believing in miracles and because of my relentless search for the magical.
In time, I met other people who believe in unicorns. Some have seen them with their eyes, some have seen them with my eyes. This website is a playground of ours, and our travels are our own escapes to wonderland.
Cand cineva ma intreaba care e animalul meu preferat eu raspund: “inorogul”. Asa a fost dintotdeauna, and nothing can change this.
Multa vreme am crezut ca inorogul exista in realitate. Eram foarte mica atunci cand l-am vazut prin vreo poveste; am facut ochii mari, l-am mangaiat acolo, pe comita lui frumoasa din poza si mi-a ramas la suflet. Eram absolut convinsa ca el traieste undeva, intr-o tara minunata cu luna plina si copaci muzicali, unde oamenii nu pot ajunge cu una cu doua. Sunt absolut convinsa si acum ca el traieste intr-o tara minunata, pe care cativa, foarte putini dintre noi, o fac muzicala si lunatica.
Sa vezi un inorog e mare lucru. Pentru ca sunt foarte rari, desigur, dar si pentru ca nu se arata oricui. Probabil ca majoritatea oamenilor din jur nu l-ar vedea nici daca ar galopa in fata lor pe trotuar. Ceea ce e tare bine, si pentru ei si pentru noi cei few si happy :). Unii spun ca trebuie sa fii foarte norocos sa vezi unul, altii ca li se arata numai celori cu suflet pur. La mine cred ca a fost din cauza incapatanarii de a crede in minuni, si de a trai printre ele.
Intre timp am intalnit si alti oameni care cred in inorogi. Unii i-au vazut cu ochii lor, altii i-au vazut cu ochii mei. Pentru acestia, pentru the happy few, site-ul asta e loc de intalnire si playground.